Open letter to my Mom

Hey Mom,
Given our week, I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me on what seems to be a bittersweet Mother's Day for us.  I know you already know what I'm about to say, but I think it's still worth saying . . .

Your complete, un-waivering love overwhelms me on a daily basis.  When I look back over my life experiences, you are in every single one of my memories.  You are there.  A true gift from God, you are; and I'm so grateful for you.  

From the celebrations (academic accomplishments, marriage, and births of my babies) to the miserable failures (suspension from school, slamming of doors, paying for a law degree that is not being used,  and the tumultuous friendships) I've experienced in my life, you are always there.  A true gift from God, you are; and I'm so grateful for you.   

Your hands have always been there to support me, preparing me to take flight in whatever new endeavor I'm into at the moment.  All the while, not gripping me so tight as to prevent my flight.  A true gift from God, you are; and I'm so grateful for you. 

Now that I have children of my own, I realize how difficult the dance is - support without suppression, the balancing of work and family, disciplining while continuing to nurture, and eventually transitioning from parent to friend.  I know there have been times I've disappointed you, hurt your feelings and embarrassed you; and I know you have already forgiven me.  A true gift from God, you are; and I'm so grateful for you.  

I also know you've been scared for me and recognized my bad choice long before I could see it, yet you allowed me to experience my choice.  I know this was a very difficult thing to endure.  But, thanks to your ocean of wisdom, it has made me a better person.  A true gift from God, you are; and I'm so grateful for you. 

Yes, Mom, what a huge sacrifice your life has been - a constant selfless act of love and labor.  I can only pray I will be able to love and support my own children in a way that your example has given me.  Thank you for everything you do for me!  It has never gone unnoticed.  I just don't always say it out loud.  But, you already knew that . . . On this Mother's day weekend, here's wishing you joy, comfort and peace.  I love you very much; and I am so grateful to God that he gave me such a wonderful gift!

***I rarely ask for anything from my readership, but today I have a huge request.  My wonderful Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this week, and she is in need of your prayers.  Please pray for her as we tackle this news. 

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