Interesting Week

As we are quickly approaching the end of the school, I like to refer to this time of year as the second Christmas.  It really feels that busy to me every single year.  There are tons of parties and "wrap ups" for my kids that my head is spinning.  Not to mention all the client projects for families who want to get it done in time to enjoy their summer break.  I say all this to give you a heads up that the blog is going to be lean and mean for awhile.  I hope to be caught up and enjoy some quality time with my children as well as some time to post several topics that have been on mind.  

But for now, I'm going to give you a bit of a tease.  Yesterday, a client and I met with a very talented artist/interior designer who is going to be helping us with a very special project!  I can't wait to give you more details and share pictures of the finished space.  But for now, here's your tease! 

These are images from her studio . . . 

Any guesses what we're up to?  M.

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