The Mirror Rule

Sometimes a rule gets jumbled.  I had a client say to me, "I know your rule on not putting a mirror over the fireplace because so and so said you wouldn't let her put a mirror over her fireplace."  The truth is - I don't have any set rules on these kinds of things!  But, I do have specific reasons for why I place things (or recommend to my clients to place things) in certain places.

For the record, here's my thoughts on mirrors.  First, I adore them.  They are truly necessary for your space to feel interesting and varied (you shouldn't have a room full of oil paintings - too much of one note).  But you MUST think about what the mirror is reflecting when you put it in your space - it's just that simple.  Often, if you place a mirror over your mantel, it will reflect a bare white (or even worse, popcorn) ceiling.  Or, heaven forbid, a ceiling fan! (here's the inside joke on the Ceiling Fans).  So, this is the main reason, that over the fireplace is usually the last place I will consider for mirror placement.

Caveat: If I'm in a pinch and need something large over a fireplace, and the client does not have the right size painting, I will place a mirror over the fireplace.  But, I always try to layer something over the mirror to distract from the reflection (if it's of the ceiling).  Here is an example of just that (in a very stunning room I might add).
With that said, here is the perfect example of how to use a mirror to get that Wow factor.  Look at all the yumminess this mirror is reflecting.
When the mirror itself becomes art - you've placed it in the right place! M. 

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