Randomness and a Little Break

Happy Friday, all.  The last few days the weather has been totally marvelous with tons of sunshine and mild temperatures.  It truly feels like Spring is here and just in time for Spring Break!  My kiddos are on break next week, so I am taking some time off the blog to spend as much time with them as possible.  Never fear current clients, I'm still going to be working on your design plans, just not taking any consults next week.  

My son recently turn 13, and I had a jolt of reality - he'll be driving in three years and out of my house in five years.  So, I'm making a conscious effort to spend more time with my children as this precious time is fleeting. 

 It's truly a matter of priorities in life and this is a very important one that I don't want to look back on and have regrets.  
So, I say all this to say - I'm taking next week off from the blog!  A little break for Spring. 

In the meantime, I have to show you some things I stumbled upon over the last few weeks.  Since I'm constantly sourcing items for design plans, I rarely see things totally different and new.  When I do, they tend to stop me dead in my tracks and I start thinking of ways to include them in my designs.    Some may be too edgy for mainstream consumption, but all are interesting and get my wheels turning.  

The Ghostly Host
A slipcovered ghost chair!  These are totally intriguing to me.  They have a balance between modern and french traditional that I adore.  I will have to find the perfect space in incorporate one or two! 

Careful - Your Lacquer's Showing
Most of you have seen lacquered walls like this. . . 

Lacquered walls can be totally stunning and dramatic.  They have an equally impressive Wow factor to wallpaper but with an understated nod.   But, it's a game changer when you consider it on the front door!

Even in a safe traditional color, it's a Wow . . . 

But, you are truly taking it to a whole new place with a pop of color.  
If you've ever wondered how to achieve this look, it starts with the paint - Fine Paints of Europe to be exact.  Not to mention a painter who knows what they're doing.  This paint has a very special application - consider yourself warned.  As an aside, I think this paint could even make that 1970's door something special.  It would be embracing it and making a statement with it.

J.A. Meets J.C.
Have you heard all the rumblings about Jonathan Adler creating a home decor line for JC Penney?  It's true.  Borrowing the phrase "Happy Chic" from his oh so fabulous book, Mr. Adler is bringing it to Penney's (of all places?!).  

The website says coming March 2013, but it has yet to go live.  And yes, confessions, I have been checking the website like a 15 year old who just tried out for cheerleader checks for the team list!  If any of you find out it's live, please send me an email.  I would love a bit of jump on the selections.  

Clever DIY
OK, everybody knows what a sucker I am for a good DIY.  I saw this leather/brass pull on Pinterest and a world of opportunities flooded my brain on where I could use this.

You could freshen up a piece of furniture with these pulls, cabinetry in a bathroom (like my son's that is in desperate need of a freshen up), or even a simple detail on an upholstered piece like the sides of an ottoman.  
Again, endless applications.  Remember, the devil's in the details and they can make a space.

Invitation for a Roast
Lastly, I enjoyed this entertaining post from one of the editor's at Houzz and just had to share it.  The article is entitled, "What is your Designer's Attitude Type?" and it's illustrated in a very funny way!    So, for those of you who have worked with me on spaces, I invite you to share your thoughts on my type.  I do realize I'm completely opening myself up here.  After all, it's healthy to be able to laugh at one's self.  Right?!  Here's the article - What is Your Designer's Attitude Type? 

Happy Spring! M.

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