What Inspires You?

I've been super busy with design plans for clients.  So, for you faithful readers, I'm sorry the blog has suffered. As they say, "Life Just Happens."  Just know, I am not tired of posting nor am I out of ideas.  It takes time to draft an interesting post and time is what I have very little of these days.  So, I hope you will continue to stick with me.  Like all lines of work, things ebb and flow - so I know I will be able to get back to it more regularly in a few months.

Today, I wanted to talk about what inspires you to do the things you do -  cook, work, dress, choose your friends, or decorate your home?  I include all these things because not only can inspiration come from very unlikely sources, it can also inspire you in very unlikely ways.  The answer to this question can be extremely interesting and enlightening for others.  Hopefully, it can help all of us find inspiration in different places. 

Here are just a few random examples of inspiration for me as of late. . .  

While I'm working on design plans for clients, I wade through lots and lots of unrelated items.  For example, the last couple of weeks, I've been working on living spaces.   So, when sourcing pillow options for clients, I bump into things that inspire me.  Hello, gorgeous. 
Although it doesn't work for the living rooms I'm working on, it would be the perfect jumping off point for a "Room To Grow Into" for a little girl.  I love working on projects with an eye to allowing the space to evolve over time.  This can be tricky.  For a little girl's room, you must find special fabrics with a whimsical vibe, but also a tween factor so they can grow with the child.  This fabric would be totally perfect!  So, I have filed it away for when that special project comes along.  

Same here for a girl who does not love a ton of pink (like my daughter). . . 

I'm also inspired by the way an image makes me feel.  Notice the lighting in this picture.  It makes me think of either morning or late afternoon (two of my favorite times of day).  I looks like the perfect temperature - not too hot or too cold, but perfect (maybe late Spring, early Summer).  Very relaxing and anticipatory - I can just imagine sitting here with friends or family and enjoying each other's company.    

This ring inspires me -  It makes me think of a chic space with lots of brass.  Also, at first glance it may not seem super important, but upon closer look, you realize what you are seeing - these are raw diamonds.  I love it when you can accomplish this in a space.  Lastly,  I adore things that are different from everybody else's.  This is one reason, I like to start a design by using items the client already has - I feel triumphant when I can make a client fall back in love with an item they already own! 

I'm also inspired by words . . . 

Just because someone makes it look effortless, does not mean it's so!  I remember the first time I saw a friend do a backhand spring in junior high.  I thought, "If she can do, I can do it."  Well, not so!!! Now that I'm an adult, the same holds true for lots of things - like entertaining, cooking and even looking great.  Just remember this when you try something new and fail, great things take practice.  

I also think the human connection can be very inspiring.   Whether it's a couples chemistry . . . 

Or even the connection between a Mother and her child . . . 

This same human connection is present when I'm hired to work on a family's home.  There is something that happens when someone is brave enough to allow you to help them with their space - it can be very special and vulnerable at the same time.  This always inspires me to come up with the best possible design plan I can for their space.  I want it to be special and "Wow" them.  I want for them what they want out of the design consult.  

I'm also inspired by quirky, I dare say, odd things . . . 

Quirky things make me smile. period.  I think they can be very disarming and lure you in all at the same time.  As for interior design, I think quirky things make a space feel more interesting and unique.  I love including items in a design plan that you can't just go out and purchase anywhere.  I find there is usually at least one quirky accessory already in the space I can highlight in a fun way.  

So, now it's your turn.  What inspires you?  M.

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