Little Secret

I'm going to let you in on a little secret - Feburary is my planning/daydreaming month for summer activities.  Now, I realize some of you have already stopped reading this post.  I know it is a bit intense to begin this early, but there are several benefits to planning your summer in February.  It gives you plenty of time to ponder, dream, etc. without feeling desperate or rushed.  If you wait until April, things have picked back up and you are in "just get it on the calendar" mode.    It also helps me get through the dreariness of the cold, wet, short days of winter.  Thinking about something fun to do in the summer tends to distract me.  Lastly, the skies the limit when planning this time of year since you don't have to worry about availability.  So, rather than being bored, plan a summer outing.

Just to get you started, here are a few ideas I'm pondering for our summer 2013.  As an aside, last year, my children decided to go to summer camp for a month!  They had a marvelous time.

They attend Camp Mac which is a lovely family owned camp in the Munford, Alabama.  What my children loved about this camp is all the water related activities available that you normally don't get from summer camps in the Northeast, which are focused primarily on a mountain experience.

Camp Mac has two very impressive lakes and any type of water activity imaginable (not to mention the non-water activities available, the list is simply too exhaustive to go into here). My children adored the entire experience.  For more info, click here.   

But this year, we are thinking outside the box and have decided to do some family travel in an effort to expose our children to the history of our state as well as the United States in general.  With a few budget friending trips in mind, I'm thinking about several quick day trips to see things we've not experienced locally.

Here are just a few on my radar . . .

Noccalula Falls

Helen Keller's home 
Did you know it was in Alabama?

Birmingham Civil Rights Institute

The USS Alabama Battleship

Mobile Carnival Museum
Did you know Mobile, AL (not New Orleans) was the birthplace of Mardi Gras?

Cathedral Caverns

Ave Maria Grotto

Obviously, we can't do them all, but it's fun to see what is available.  Then we may take a larger trip near the end of the summer.  What are your plans this summer?  You may need to do a little brainstorming too. M.

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