More Exciting News - Village Living

A great big thank you to Village Living for allowing me to contribute to their November/December issue!  

For those of you located elsewhere in the world, Village Living is this wonderful "go to" source for everything that's happening in the city of Mountain Brook.  These editors truly have their finger on the pulse in our fabulous city.  They are constantly sourcing everything from social events, food adventures, fashion, night life, volunteer opportunities, school events, politics, and sporting events - whew!  You name it, they know about.  

So, when editor Jennifer Gray contacted me and asked if I would be interested in writing an article on decorating for the season, I was beyond excited.  Here is a link to the entire article - Making Holiday Decor Meaning, Not Just Beautiful.  I hope it gives you food for thought on what is special to your family during the holidays! 

 Also, in the article, I talk about a new tradition our family started last year of a Christmas Trivia Calendar.  I've had several people ask about how they can access the calendar.  Just click here - 

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